Friday, June 11, 2010

Making Progress

It's been awhile since I've posted but it's been crazy busy.

We've actually made some progress with our wedding planning!! Whoo hooo. We now have an officiant. I affectionately call him rent-a-priest. He's a little on the shady side of the Church which works to our advantage since he'll marry us outside and make it kosher with the Catholic Church. That makes us happy and Mike's parents happy. It's all good.

We have a photographer. I'm really excited about her too. I hate having my picture taken and she has a much more casual, fluid approach. She wants to photograph everything and just blend into the background. There's less of an emphasis on formal pictures which makes me ridiculously happy.

I've also been hard at work on our wedding website. Originally, I wasn't sure I wanted to make one but I definitely think it has merit. We have a lot of people who will be coming from out of town so it's good to have location information easily accessible. Plus, it was kind of fun to do. . .

But, the most important part is that we have our bridal party. YAY. I am super excited that my sister and friends will be my bridesmaids. To make the event a little special, I had personalized cookies made for each of them. They are from this delicious place in Bethesda called Bundles of Cookies. They have the cutest designs and everything can be customized.

I had a cookies made for each of the bridesmaids and the flower girl. The dresses do not really reflect what the bridesmaids' dresses will actually look like. But, they do represent our wedding colors - dark pink and yellow. It was just a little something but I thought it was nice - and tasty.

Mike has also put together his groomsman. And, he has 5 of them so now we are all symmetrical - contrary to popular belief this really was his concern not mine.

So now we need a DJ. We need to pick menus. We need flowers. We need decorations. And I need a dress. Yikes! So much to do.

But we've made progress so I'll just focus on that for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Those cookies are too cute! Our photographers had a similar approach as yours and I love our pics. My mom was upset we didn't get more formal shots but that wasn't what we really wanted. Having a good photographer is HUGE since that's what you're left with after to remember everything.
