Monday, October 19, 2009

Where I Stood by Missy Higgins

Yesterday, I was finishing up the dreaded task of cleaning out my closet. To make this chore more palatable, I decided I needed music. So, I put my IPod on random.

I LOVE when I rediscover music that I forgot about. It's such a nice surprise because you rediscover something fun without actually having to pay for it.

In this case, I came across the song Where I Stood by Missing Higgins. I have no idea where I first heard it but at some point, I downloaded it from ITunes.

It's kind of a sad song (big surprise that I like it, I know) but it's very poignant. Anyway, the music did help me finish up the closet cleaning. Now, it's on to my dresser. . .

1 comment:

  1. I only listen to my iPod on shuffle. I like the surprise. I'd say most of my music is sad in some way with a handful of romantic drivel and 80's music. :)

    Oh, speaking of music, I recorded the Bon Jovi special on Saturday. Now we just have to figure a time to view it.
