Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Heart Twitter

Sad but true - I have recently become addicted to Twitter. I signed up for the account months ago, but it's only been over the last few weeks, that I've started using it.

For some reason, I feel like I can say things on Twitter that I would not say on Facebook or even this blog. I think it might be because Twitter feels so impersonal. It's 140 characters to blurt out whatever you want to say, and since I don't know that many people on it, I feel like I am almost able to do this in an truly incognito fashion. It's pretty awesome in that respect. It's allowed me to vent many recent frustrations. :)

I also like it because I can follow some of my favorite celebrities. It's fun to read their random thoughts. I initially joined to follow Ashton Kutcher and help him get to a million followers (he wanted to beat stupid CNN and he did - yay Ashton!). Ashton is still one of my favorite people to follow. He's really funny. I also saw a clip of him on Regis & Kelly where he was talking about Twitter. He's so into it and actually reads the things that people tweet back to him. I think that's pretty cool.

I'm also following Josh Groban. My friends all hate Josh Groban, but that's ok - he's meant to be mine. I think they hate his music and not necessarily him as a person, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I always knew he was funny because of interviews and videos on his blog. He also gets along really well with Ellen so how could he not be cool? His tweets crack me up. He's probably my second favorite person to follow.

It's also kind of cool to get up to the minute news in real time. When I was in NY last weekend, I was just blocks away from where the airplane and helicopter crashed into the Hudson. News was slow coming out on traditional websites. But, newscasters were tweeting like crazy so I was able to follow along with what was going on. That was pretty awesome.

I'm so glad that I have a phone that now actually works with the internet. Now I can really become a Twitter addict! Ummmmm. . . .not that I wasn't already.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of Twitter. I don't use it as often as I could, but I love following people. I like to follow people from tv shows I don't even watch. So weird. Being only limited to 140 characters makes you really think of how to say what you want and be concise. Not really a strength of mine.
