Friday, September 25, 2009

Henry V

It's no secret that I love Shakespeare. I took a class called Shakespeare on Film when I was in college. It was my favorite class and it was a pure elective. We read various Shakespearean plays and then watched various film versions of them.

One of the best speeches ever written was Henry V's speech before the Battle of Agincourt. This speech is so full of passion. You understand how it motivates the soldiers. Plus, the battle itself was a really interesting point in history as it was one of the major turning points of the Hundred Years War. There was no way in hell the English should have won - they were completely outnumbered. But they did and kept the French from invading England.

Plus, the term "band of brothers" comes from this speech which is really cool.

Kenneth Branagh is the best at delivering this speech. Here's a clip from the movie. And if you look closely you can see Christian Bale as one of the young soldiers.

1 comment:

  1. Is it lame to like the Shakespeare part in Renaissance Man? My Shakespeare class had so many plays and, for each, my professor would show a wacky interpretation. For Shakespeare in Film, he would actually show like Pulp Fiction and weird stuff to compare, but I never took that class. My professor was wacky. Anyway, we saw a 60's interpreation of A Midsummer Night's Dream complete with go-go boots. It was like a giant acid trip, but it made for fun times.
